SPRING 2021 ONE ROOM CHALLENGE - EDWARDIAN MODERN BEDROOM WEEK 2 before and after, bedroom, color, DIY, Edesign, Renovationkatie thewlisMay 12, 2021ORC, One room challenge, pink, beige, pink beige, bedroom, vanity, desk, lucite, modern lantern, sconceComment
PSA: Match your white bathroom, kitchen, Renovation, Edesignkatie thewlisMay 11, 2021white paint, white tile, kitchen, renovation, tile, matching whites, ceramic tile, subway tile, backsplash, bathroom Comments
Spring 2021 One Room Challenge - Edwardian Modern Bedroom Week 1 before and after, bedroom, Edesign, Renovationkatie thewlisMay 6, 2021ORC, One room challenge, pink beige, traditional, bedroom, bed, modern, makeover, before and after, headboard, leopard, rug, roman shades Comments
Front Door E-design Package Edesign, Renovation, before and after, colorkatie thewlisMay 2, 2021front door, painted door, trellis, entry, edesign, e-design, wreath, outdoor lighting, front porch, doormat, black, door mate, door matComment
Faux Industrial Black Grid Windows: How-to DIY, before and after, living room, Renovationkatie thewlisApril 29, 2021black grid windows, painting window frames, black windows, muntins, steel windows, factory windows, living room, spoonflower Comments
Earthy Modern Kansas Kitchen - The Plan before and after, kitchen, Edesignkatie thewlisApril 27, 2021kitchen, before and after, renovation, edesign, green paint, green kitchenComment
Citrus Dining Room Preview dining room, color, Edesign, kitchenkatie thewlisApril 15, 2021dining room, color, paint, green, yellow, citrus, lemon, olive, orangeComment
Wallpaper drop: Clouds Renovation, Edesign, DIY, before and after, color, bedroomkatie thewlisApril 15, 2021wallpaper, cloudsComment
The Updated Accent Wall dining room, DIY, living room, kitchen, Renovation, bedroomkatie thewlisApril 5, 2021spoonflower, accent wall, wallpaper, focal wall, accent, wall Comments
Vintage Modern Ranch Living Room Reveal before and after, living roomkatie thewlisApril 1, 2021wallpaper, wallpapered living room, living room, spoonflower, window makeover, painted window, painted fireplace, etageres, cowhide rugComment