A Toddler Girls Bedroom Design and Quarantine Lessons
Something happened during this time at home that I wasn’t at all expecting.
I used to live and die by the two days my 3 year old was in childcare. I thought it meant I was able to get my work done. I thought the separation was what allowed me to tap into the other side of myself - the sides of myself that usually take a backseat as a Mother.
My life felt so polarized.
But then we found ourselves stuck in a small home. No visits to the library. No trips to the nearest store to buy some cheap toy in hopes of a 20 minute distraction.
It was rough to start, but I’ve been blown away at how we have fallen into a rhythm together. Now don’t get me wrong; there have been some not-so-great parenting moments (think: Walmart parent), but overall, it has been calm, balanced and dare I say…productive?
I never thought I could read a book or do something enjoyable just for myself while I was with her, but yesterday, she cuddled onto my lap and let me read for 20 minutes! Just sitting there. I almost broke down into tears because I realized it wasn’t her keeping me from myself, but me this whole time.
I’ve seen a change in her as well. She has had less tantrums and seems to be more content and creative.
I used to worry about our bond before. Are we spending enough quality time together? Am I supporting her in all the ways she needs me to? Will she open up to me when she needs to share something difficult?
Our bond feels so much stronger since being at home. I never would have predicted this.
I know it’s cliché to say there are silver linings in all of this, but I definitely found mine. I have a whole new attitude about being a Mother I wouldn’t have realized before.
I’m not sure I could give her everything she needs socially doing this long term, and I don’t want it to sound for one second like I think grocery shopping or desk-work isn’t easier done sans-kids, but I have a new take on the importance of time at home together.
image via Anna Hedges
What have you learned during this quarantine that has surprised you?