10 Unexpected Christmas Tree Ideas for 2021
It’s getting so close to that time of year, again…Time to trim the tree! This year, I’m craving a little little something unexpected. But because I don’t want to go out and purchase entirely new ornaments for the tree, I’m searching for some new ideas using things I have outside or around the house. I’ve seen everything from balloons to giant lollipops, but I don’t want to feel like I’m living in a Dr Suess book, so I’ve only selected ideas that still feel elegant yet festive.
10 (Out-of-the-Box) Christmas Tree ideas
Florals. Dried or fake. These are actually a very fitting addition to a tree that adds a softness that’s just… plain pretty.
Christmas tree with fake flowers image via marthstewart.com
and really digging the dried palms on this one…
floral Christmas tree with fur tree skirt image via @lifesfrostings
DIY floral christmas tree image via Design Love Fest
Next time you receive a bouquet of flowers, now you know what to do with it when it dries out (Including the babies breath)
natural christmas tree with dried flowers and orange slices via She Keeps a Lovely Home
2. Feathers. Peacock, pheasant, boa…oh my!
Okay, this white feather boa is stunning. And it almost looks like flocked, fake snow but without the mess!
christmas tree with feather boa garland image source
Why not put a bird on it, while you’re at it.
peacock christmas tree image source
I especially like these pheasant feathers as a tree topper idea. It feels like just enough…
pheasant feather tree topper image source
3. Pampas Grass. This bohemian addition to your tree can be found along side the road (if you are feeling brave enough to pull over). I’ve also seen colorful options at Michaels and Home Depot.
boho christmas tree with pampas grass image source
christmas tree with pampas grass image source
4. Dehydrated Citrus. But don’t just stop at oranges. Try limes for an unexpected twist (see what I did there?)
Flocked Christmas tree with dehydrated orange slices image source
Christmas tree with orange slices and wooden bead garland image source
orange peel star garland tutorial here
5. Origami. These can be purchased already made, but they are so fun and easy to make yourself if you are feeling like a little DIY. You just need double-sided paper. There are lots of tutorials online for whatever you can dream up!
origami christmas tree ornaments form the American museum of natural history image source
crane bird origami christmas tree image source
6. Fake Butterflies. Similar to origami, but for the person who doesn’t want to get crafty. These can be found at your local craft store in the floral department.
christmas tree butterflies image source
christmas tree butterfly tree topper image source
7. Sticks. Yep, that’s right. Sticks. Twigs. Dead things from your yard. Don’t overthink this one. Just stick it in your tree for a rustic, relaxed vibe.
rustic christmas tree with sticks image source
white christmas tree with branches and twigs image source
Okay, nothing relaxed about this tree. It’s very impressive. I like how the grapevine twigs are used as garland, wrapped around the tree…
natural christmas tree with pheasant feathers and twig gardland image source
8. Picture Frames. Cue the awwwww’s. Mini frames, like the ones you can buy in bulk for place-setting holders, make great ornaments. Use even larger, mixed frames for something even more unexpected…
christmas tree with photo frame ornaments image source
picture frame ornaments on tree image source
9. Eucalyptus. This is a great addition to a fake tree because it gives you a scent you are otherwise missing. And I like how the slightly blue tone offsets the evergreen foliage in a subtle, but noticeable way.
eucalyptus christmas tree image source
christmas tree with eucalyptus and orange slices via Sarah Jo Peterson
christmas tree with eucalyptus by Lantern Lane Designs
10. Tissue paper. From flowers to large poof tree toppers, in any color of the rainbow…
christmas tree with tissue paper flowers by Dimples and Dangles blog image source